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Afrikaans Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
You can use this form to submit a new tongue twister.


Wie weet waar Willie Wouter woon?
Willie Wouter woon waar die weste winde waai!


Die duiwel druk die domme donkie dwarsdeur die driedubbele doringdraad, dat die domme donkie dwarsdeur die driedubbele doringdraad dwars draai.


Die dikke dokter Daan Diederichs drink Dinsdag die derde Desember drie drinkbekers dronkmakende drank; daarna dreig die drankduiwel die dokter, dog die dokter druk die drankduiwel daar doer dwarsdeur die driedubbele doringdraad duskant die damwal.


My liewe neef Louw, my neus jeuk nou.
Jeuk my liewe neef Louw se neus ook nou?


Wie weet waar Willem Wouter woon?
Willem Wouter woon waar warm water wyn word.

Wie weet waar warm water wyn word?
Warm water word wyn waar weste winde waai.

Wie weet waar weste winde waai?
Weste winde waai waar Wies wasgoes was.





Wat was was voor was was was?


Drie rooi ribbokke spring oor die doring draad.


Sannie sê sy sal sewe sakke sout sleep, sewe sakke sout is swaar sowaar.


Die kreef kleef aan die krap en die krap kleef aan die kreef.


Die Koppokkie pik op die kappokkopietjie se koppietjie.


Pos vir Poen Papenfus met spoedpos.


Bettie Bettie babbel bekkie babbel al te baie!


Grys, grillerige goggatjies grawe graag geweldige groot gate.

Rough Translations

  1. up Who knows were Willie Wouter lives. Willie Wouter lives were the west winds blow!
  2. up The devil pushes the dumb donkey through the three tripple barbed wire, so that the dumb donkey turns through the tripple barbed wire.
  3. up The fat doctor Daan Diederichs on Tuesday, the third of December, drinks three mugs of intoxicating drinks; thereafter the doctor is threatened by the drink-devil, but the doctor pushes the drink-devil way through the three-times tripple barbed-wire in front of the damwall.
  4. up My dear cousin Louw (pronounced "low") my nose is itching now. Does, my dear cousin Louw, your nose also itch?
  5. up Who knows where William Wouter lives? William Wouter lives where warm water becomes wine. Who knows where warm water becomes wine? Warm water becomes wine where west winds blow. Who knows where west winds blow? West winds blow where Wies washes clothes.
  6. up Watermelon Jam Competition
  7. up What was wax before it was wax?
  8. up Three red ribbucks jumps over the barb wire.
  9. up Sannie says she will drag seven bags of salt, seven bags of salt is heavy indeed.
  10. up The lobster sticks to the crab and the crab sticks to the lobster.
  11. up The bantam (small type of chicken) picks on the baby bantams head.
  12. up Mail it to Poen Papenfus (personal name) using speed-mail.
  13. up Bettie, Bettie talkative little mouth talks all too much!
  14. up Grey creepy bugs gladly dig tremendous big holes.


Melvan, Stefan Bezuidenhout, Suzanne Brogan, Quintin Henning, Claude Heyman, Ilse Kitshoff, Erich Lutz, Mariette Olwagen, Johan Oosthuizen, Danie Rossouw, Stephan Snyman, Annchen van Heerden, Johan van Zijl, Rene Van Zyl, Dries Venter


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Afrikaans

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.