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Romanian Tongue Twisters
îmbârligături de limbă / sclinteli de limbă

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
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Doisprezece cocostîrci pe casa lui Cogălniceanu.


Bucura-te cum s-a bucurat Bucuroaia de bucuria lui Bucurel care s-a intors bucuros de la Bucuresti.


La curbe shinele troznesc.


Retevei de tei pe miriste de mei.


Saşiul stă pe şasiu şi şuşoteşte.



longest one-syllable Romanian word


Prin Vulturi vantul viu vuia.


Capra neagră-n piatră sare.
Piatra crapă-n patru.
Crapă capul caprei negre
precum piatra crapă-n patru.


Stanca stă-n castan ca Stan.


Piatra crapă capul caprei în patru, cum a crăpat şi capra piatra în patru.


Şase saşi în şase saci.


Piatra crapă capra, capra crapă piatra.


Oaia aia e a ei, eu i-o iau.


Bucura-te cum s-a bucurat Bucuroaia de bucuria lui Bucurel care s-a intors bucuros de la Bucuresti.


Un vultur stă pe pisc c-un pix in plisc.


O baba balana mananca o banana babana.


Domnule Dudau, dä-mi doua dude din dudul dumitale de dincolo de drum!


Capra neagră calcă-n piatră,
Piatra mare crapă-n patru.
Aşa să crape capul caprei,
Cum a crăpat piatra-n patru.


Şase saşi cosaş cosesc şase saci săseşti.


Sase sute saizeci si sase de sasi in sase sute saizeci si sase de saci


S-a suit capra pe piatra si a spart-o-n patru, de s-ar sparge capul caprei ca si piatra-n patru.


Rica nu stia sa zica rau, ratusca, ramurica.


Eu pup poala popii, popa pupa poala mea.


Capra calca piatra.
Piatra crapa-n patru.
Crapa-i-ar capul caprei
Cum a crapat piatra-n patru.


Soră Sară, n-ai sărit asară să vezi carnea cum se sară?


Şapte sape late jos şi-alte şaptezeci şi şapte de sape late-n spate.


Pe cap un capac, pe capac un ac.


E pestriţă prepeliţa pestriţă, dar mai pestriţi sunt puii prepeliţei pestriţe.


Când ma gândesc ca te gândesti
ca ma gândesc la tine,
gândeste-te ca ma gândesc
ca te gândesti la mine.


Ştiu că ştiu că ştiuca-i ştiucă şi mai ştiu că ştiuca-i peşte.


Ştiu că ştiu că ştiuca-i ştiucă şi mai ştiu că ştiuca muşcă.


Capac cu cupa, cupa cu capac


O cioară chioară ciugule din ciur.


Fata fierarului Fanica face fasole frecata fara foc, findca focul face fum.


S-a 'ntâmplat o întâmplare c-un tâmplar din tâmplărie ce-a lovit pe tâmplăre asă drept in tâmplă şi-a tâmpit.

Rough Translations

  1. up Twelve storks on Cogalniceanu's house. German: 12 Störche auf Cogalniceanus Haus.
  2. up Enjoy yourself, as well as Bucuroaia enjoyed the joy of Bucurel who returned joyful form Bucharest.
  3. up At the curb, the rails (from train) thunder.
  4. up Linden cudgel on millet stubble.
  5. up Whispering, the cross-eyed is sitting on the chassis.
  6. up noose, rope
  7. up In Vulturi the wind strongly howled.
  8. up The goat jumps on the stone. The stone splits in four. May the goat's head split as the stone splits in four.
  9. up Stanca was sitting in a chestnut tree like Stan.
  10. up The stone splits the goat's head in four, as the goat too had split the stone in four.
  11. up Six Saxons (German Romanians) in six sacks.
  12. up The stone breaks the goat, the goat breaks the stone.
  13. up That sheep is hers, I take it.
  14. up Enjoy yourself, as well as Bucuroaia enjoyed the joy of Bucurel who returned joyful from Bucharest.
  15. up An eagle sits on a mountain top with a pen in its beak.
  16. up A blonde old lady eats a huge banana.
  17. up Mr. Dudau, give me two mulberries from your mulberry tree from across the street!
  18. up The black goat steps on the rock. The big rock breaks into four (pieces). This is how the goat's head should break. Like the the rock breaks into four.
  19. up Six Saxons (German Romanians) reap six sacks full
  20. up Six hundred sixty-six Saxons (German Romanians) in six-hundred sixty-six sacks
  21. up A goat climbed upon a stone, so that the stone broke in four pieces; May the goat's head break in four as the stone broke in four. German: Die Ziege ist auf den Stein gestiegen, so ist der Stein in vier Teile gebrochen; So wie der Stein soll auch der Kopf der Ziege in vier Teile brechen.
  22. up Rica (a boy's name) didn't know how to say river, duck, branch.
  23. up I kiss the coat of the priest, the priest kisses my coat. French: Je baise le manteau du pope, le pope baise mon manteau.
  24. up The goat walks on the stone. The stone breaks in four. I wish the goat's head would break, As did the stone in four.
  25. up Sister Sarah, didn't you stopped by last night to see how the meat is being salted?
  26. up Seven broad hoes down and other seventyseven broad hoes on the shoulders.
  27. up On the head a lid (hood), on the lid (hood) a needle.
  28. up The mottled quail is mottled but the little quail chickens are more mottled than the mottled quail.
  29. up When I think that you are thinking that I'm thinking of you, you are thinking that I'm thinking that you are thinking of me.
  30. up I know that I know that pike is a pike and I also know that pike is a fish
  31. up I know that I know that pike is a pike and I also know that the pike bites.
  32. up Lid with cup, cup with lid
  33. up An one-eyed crow (Corvus corone) pecks form the sieve.
  34. up (?)


Romana, Florin Andrei, Mihaela Azoitei, Romulus Bena, Romulus Bena, Romulus-Andrei Bena, Lucretia Bleahu, Dan Bogatu, Yildiz Bolat, Dolce Deville, Ana-Maria Ducsek, Lucia Durnea, Chris Fotache, Toma Georgescu, Doru Gherban, Mihnea-Costin Grigore, Cornelia Guju, Monica Kleinoth, Sandra Layman, Monika Lõrincz, Ionel Onet, Ana-Maria Orendi, Eugen Radulescu, J. Rappe, Rada Sonea, Michail Stoiculescu, Stefan Stoll, A.W. Tüting, Rodica Wijnbergh-Stan


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Romanian

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.